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Вергелес Сергей Сергеевич |
Контакты |
e‑mail: | ssver@itp.ac.ru |
Защита: июнь 2008 года, Институт теоретической физики им. Л.Д. Ландау РАН
Лекции |
Теория поля. Электродинамика. | Основы гравитации. |
Лекционные записи | Лекционные записи |
Задавальник ВШЭ ФФ 2018 | |
Литература | Литература |
Вергелес С.С. Электродинамика сплошных сред. УМП. | Вергелес С.Н. Лекции по общей теории относительности. |
Публикации |
42. |
L. L. Ogorodnikov and S. S. Vergeles.
“α effect in three-dimensional vortex of conducting rotating liquid”,
Physical Review E, vol. 110, p. 055107 (2024)
41. |
Nikolay A. Ivchenko, Vladimir V. Lebedev, and Sergey S. Vergeles.
“Mixing in two-dimensional shear flow with smooth fluctuations”,
Physical Review E, vol. 110, p. 015102 (2024)
40. |
Sergey S. Vergeles and Ivan A. Vointsev.
“Role of wave scattering in instability-induced Langmuir circulation”,
Physics of Fluids, vol. 36, p. 034119 (2024)
39. |
D. D. Tumachev, S. V. Filatov, S. S. Vergeles and A. A. Levchenko.
“Two Dynamical Regimes of Coherent Columnar Vortices in a Rotating Fluid”,
JETP Letters, vol. 118, с. 426 (2023)
Д. Д. Тумачев, С. В. Филатов, С. С. Вергелес, А. А. Левченко.
“Два режима динамики когерентных столбовых вихрей во вращающейся жидкости”,
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 118, с. 430 (2023)
38. |
N. A. Ivchenko and S. S. Vergeles.
“Statistics of a Passive Scalar in a 2D Shear Flow with Fluctuations”,
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, vol. 136, p. 644 (2023)
Н. А. Ивченко, С. С. Вергелес.
“Статистика пассивного скаляра в двумерном сдвиговом течении с флуктуациями”,
Журнля Экспериментальной и Теоретической физики, том 163, с. 722 (2023)
37. |
Leon L. Ogorodnikov and Sergey S. Vergeles.
“Structure function of velocity in a geostrophic vortex under strong rotation”,
Physics of Fluids, vol. 14, p. 125111 (2022)
36. |
Nikolay A. Ivchenko and Sergey S. Vergeles.
“Waves in a coherent two-dimensional flow”,
Physics of Fluids, vol. 33, p. 105102 (2021)
35. |
Vladimir M. Parfenyev, Ivan A. Vointsev, Alyona O. Skoba, and Sergey S Vergeles.
“Velocity profiles of cyclones and anticyclones in a rotating turbulent flow”,
Physics of Fluids, vol. 33, p. 065117 (2021)
34. |
V. M. Parfenyev and S. S. Vergeles.
“Large-scale vertical vorticity generated by two crossing surface waves”,
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 5, p. 094702 (2020)
33. |
A. B. Buzovkin, I. V. Kolokolov, V. V. Lebedev, S. S. Vergeles.
“Coherent Vortex in Two-dimensional Turbulence Around a Rotating Disc”,
JETP Letters, vol. 111, No. 8, pp. 442–446. (2020)
А. Б. Бузовкин, С. С. Вергелес, И. В. Колоколов, В. В. Лебедев.
“Когерентный вихрь в двумерном турбулентном потоке в окрестности вращающегося диска”,
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 111, вып.8, с.509 (2020)
32. |
I. V. Kolokolov, L. L. Ogorodnikov, S. S. Vergeles.
“Structure of coherent columnar vortices in three-dimensional rotating turbulent flow”,
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 5, p. 034604 (2020)
31. |
V. M. Parfenyev, S. V. Filatov, M. Yu. Brazhnikov, S. S. Vergeles, and A. A. Levchenko.
“Formation and decay of eddy currents generated by crossed surface waves”,
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 4, p. 114701 (2019)
30. |
V. M. Parfenyev and S. S. Vergeles.
“Influence of a thin compressible insoluble liquid film on the eddy currents generated by interacting surface waves”,
Physical Review Fluids, vol. 3, p. 064702 (2018)
29. |
L. L. Ogorodnikov, S. S. Vergeles.
“Intensity statistics in a long random fiber Raman laser”,
Optics Letters, vol. 43(4), pp. 651-654 (2018)
28. |
S. S. Vergeles, A. K. Sarychev, and G. T. Tartakovsky.
“All-dielectric light concentrator to subwavelength volume”,
Physical Review B, vol. 95, p. 085401 (2017)
27. |
V. M. Parfenyev, S. S. Vergeles, and V. V. Lebedev.
“Effects of thin film and Stokes drift on the generation of vorticity by surface waves”,
Physical Review E, vol. 94, p. 052801 (2016)
26. |
V. M. Parfenyev, S. S. Vergeles, and V. V. Lebedev.
“Nonlinear Generation of Vorticity in Thin Smectic Films”,
JETP Letters, vol. 103, p. 201 (2016)
25. |
S. V. Filatov, V. M. Parfenyev, S. S. Vergeles, M. Yu. Brazhnikov, A. A. Levchenko, and V. V. Lebedev.
“Nonlinear Generation of Vorticity by Surface Waves”,
Physical Review Letters, vol. 116, p. 054501 (2016)
Supplementary materials
24. |
Sergey Belan, Vladimir Parfenyev, and Sergey S. Vergeles.
“Negative-angle refraction and reflection of visible light with a planar array of silver dimers”,
Optical Materials Express, vol. 5, p. 2843 (2015)
23. |
Vergeles S.S. and Sarychev A.K.
“Silicon “plasmonics” and optical field concentration at nanometer scale”,
In SPIE Nanoscience + Engineering, vol. 9544 “Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems 2015”, p. 954415. International Society for Optics and Photonics. (2015, September)
22b. |
D.V. Churkin, I.V. Kolokolov, E.V. Podivilov, I.D. Vatnik, M.A. Nikulin, S.S. Vergeles, I.S. Terekhov, V.V. Lebedev, G. Falkovich, S.A. Babin, S.K. Turitsyn
“Wave Kinetics of Random Fibre Lasers”,
Proc. 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC), paper EI_2_2 (Optical Society of America, 2015).
22a. |
Dmitry V. Churkin, Igor Kolokolov, Evgeniy V. Podivilov, Ilya Vatnik, Maxim Nikulin, Sergey Vergeles, Ivan Terekhov, Vladimir Lebedev, Gregory Falkovich, Sergey A. Babin, and Sergei Turitsyn,
“How Optical Spectrum of Random Fiber Laser is Formed”,
In CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science (pp. FW4D-5). Optical Society of America. (2015, May)
22. |
D.V. Churkin, I.V. Kolokolov, E.V. Podivilov, I.D. Vatnik, M.A. Nikulin, S.S. Vergeles, I.S. Terekhov, V.V. Lebedev, G. Falkovich, S.A. Babin and S.K. Turitsyn,
“Wave kinetics of random fibre lasers”,
Nature Communications, vol. 6, p. 6214 (2015)
, Supplementary materials PDF
21. |
Belan S.A. and Vergeles S.S.
“Plasmon mode propagation in array of closely spaced metallic cylinders”,
Optical Materials Express, vol. 5, p. 130 (2015)
20. |
Belan S., Chernykh A., Lebedev V., Vergeles S.
“Confinement of inertial particles in the viscous boundary layer of a turbulent flow”,
JETP Letters, vol. 101, p. 12-16 (2015)
19. |
Terekhov I.S., Vergeles S.S., and Turitsyn S.K.
“Conditional Probability Calculations for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Additive Noise”,
Physical Review Letters, vol. 113, p. 230602 (2014)
18. |
Kolokolov I.V., Lebedev V.V., Podivilov E.V., Vergeles S.S.
“Theory of a random fiber laser”,
J. Exp. Theor. Phys., v. 119, p. 1134 (2014)
17a. |
A.K. Sarychev, I. Fyodorov. V.M. Parfenyev, G. Tartakovsky, S.S. Vergeles
“Thermal instability in plasmonics”,
Proc. SPIE, 9278, 927806 (2014)
17. |
I. A. Fedorov, V.M. Parfenyev, S.S. Vergeles, G.T. Tartakovsky and A.K. Sarychev
“Allowable number of plasmons in nanoparticle”,
Pis’ma v ZhETF, vol. 100, p. 591 (2014)
16. |
V.M. Parfenyev and S.S. Vergeles
“Quantum theory of a spaser-based nanolaser”,
Optics Express, vol. 22, p. 13671 (2014)
15a. |
S. Belan, S. Vergeles and P. Vorobev
“Adjustable subwavelength localization in a hybrid plasmonic waveguide”,
Труды МФТИ, Т. 5, № 1, стр. 150 (2013)
15. |
S. Belan, S. Vergeles and P. Vorobev
“Adjustable subwavelength localization in a hybrid plasmonic waveguide”,
Optics Express, vol. 21, p. 7427 (2013)
14. |
Vladimir V. Lebedev, Sergey S. Vergeles and Petr E. Vorobev,
“Surface modes in metal-insulator composites with strong interaction of metal particles”,
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Vol. 111, pp. 577-588 (2013)
13. |
V. M. Parfenyev and S. S. Vergeles
“Intensity-dependent frequency shift in surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”,
Physical Review A, Vol. 86, p. 043824 (2012)
12. |
V.E. Babicheva, S.S. Vergeles, P.E. Vorobev, and S. Burger
“Localized surface plasmon modes in a system of two interacting metallic cylinders”,
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 29, Issue 6, pp. 1263-1269 (2012)
11. |
A. Ivanov, A. Shalygin, V. Lebedev, P. Vorobev, S. Vergeles and A. K. Sarychev
“Plasmonic extraordinary transmittance in array of metal nanorods”,
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Vol. 107, pp. 17-21 (2011)
10. |
S.Vergeles, and P.E.Vorobev
“Motion of near-spherical micro-capsule in planar external flow”,
JETP Letters 94, 513 (2011)
9. |
S.Vergeles, and S.K.Turitsyn
“Optical rogue waves in telecommunication data streams”,
Physical Review A 83, 061801(R) (2011)
8. |
V.Lebedev, S.Vergeles, and P.Vorobev,
“Giant enhancement of electric field between two close metallic grains due to plasmonic resonance”,
Optics Letters 35, 640-642 (2010)
7. |
“Rheological properties of a vesicle suspension”,
JETP Letters, vol.87, p.511, 2008.
6. |
K.S. Turitsyn and S.S. Vergeles,
“Wrinkling of vesicles during transient dynamics in elongational flow”,
Phys.Rev.Lett., vol.100, p.028103, 2008.
5. |
V.V. Lebedev, K.S. Turitsyn, and S.S. Vergeles,
“Nearly spherical vesicles in an external flow”,
New J. Physics, vol.10, p.043044, 2008.
4. |
V.V. Lebedev, K.S. Turitsyn, and S.S. Vergeles,
“Dynamics of nearly spherical vesicles in an external flow”,
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.100, p.028103, 2007.
3. |
“Spatial dependence of correlation functions in the decay problem for a passive scalar in a large-scale velocity field”,
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, vol.102, pp.685--701, 2006.
2. |
Y.Chung, V.V.Lebedev, and S.S.Vergeles,
“Radiation-induced interaction of optical solitons in fibers with randomly varying birefringence”,
Physical Review E, vol.69, p.046612, 2004.
1. |
Y.Chung, V.V.Lebedev, and S.S.Vergeles,
“Interaction of solitons through radiation in optical fibers with randomly varying birefringence”,
Optics Letters, vol.29, p.1245, 2004.