Список публикаций
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov R.G. "Transparent scatterers and transmission eigenvalues";
- Available at the at the hal archive: hal-04682848, version 1; and
arXiv: 2407.16451 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- П.Г. Гриневич "Римановы поверхности, близкие к вырожденным, в теории аномальных волн" - Геометрия, топология, математическая физика, Сборник статей. К 85-летию академика Сергея Петровича Новикова, Труды МИАН, 2024, т. 525, №6(468), с. 93-118;
English translation: "Riemann Surfaces Close to Degenerate Ones in the Theory of Rogue Waves" - Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., v. 325 (2024), pp. 86-110; Online access;
doi:10.1134/S0081543824020056 ;
- Coppini F., Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M. "The periodic N breather anomalous wave solution of the Davey-Stewartson equations; first appearance, recurrence, and blow up properties" - J. Phys. A, v. 57 (2024), 15208 , 27 pp.,
Available at the arxiv.org/archive/nlin arXiv: 2308.12422 e-Print archive:
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- П.Г. Гриневич, П.М. Сантини "Конечнозонный подход в периодической задаче Коши для (2+1)-мерных аномальных волн фокусирующего уравнения Дэви–Стюартсона 2" - Успехи математических наук, т. 77, №6(468) (2022), с. 77-107;
English translation: "The finite-gap method and the periodic Cauchy problem for (2+1)-dimensional anomalous waves for the focusing Davey–Stewartson 2 equation" - Russian Math. Surveys, v. 77 №6 (2022), pp. 1029-1059;
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/math-ph
arXiv:2206.11950 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- П.Г. Гриневич, Р.Г. Новиков "Спектральное неравенство для уравнения Шрёдингера с многоточечным потенциалом" - Успехи математических наук, 2022, т. 77, №6(468), с. 69-76;
English translation: Grinevich P.G., Novikov R.G. "Spectral inequality for Schrodinger's equation with multipoint potential" - Russian Math. Surveys, v.77 6 (2022), №6 (2022), pp. 1021--1028
- А.В. Болсинов, В.М. Бухштабер, А.П. Веселов, П.Г. Гриневич, И.А. Дынников, В.В. Козлов, Ю.А. Кордюков, Д.В. Миллионщиков, А.Е. Миронов, Р.Г. Новиков, С.П. Новиков, А.А. Яковлев "Искандер Асанович Тайманов (к шестидесятилетию со дня рождения)" - Успехи математических наук, 2022, т. 77, №6(468), с. 209-218;
- Abenda S., Grinevich P.G. "Real regular KP divisors on M-curves and totally non-negative Grassmannians" - Letters in Mathematical Physics, 2022, v. 112, 115 (Published online), 64 pages; Article link (open access)
- Abenda S., Grinevich P.G. "Geometric Nature of Relations on Plabic Graphs and Totally Non-negative Grassmannians" - Int Math Res Notices, 2022, article ID rnac162, published on July 8, 2022, 66 pages; Article link; doi:10.1093/imrn/rnac162;
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/math.CO
arXiv:2111.05782 e-Print archive:
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- Abenda S., Grinevich P.G. "Edge vectors on plabic networks in the disk and amalgamation of totally non-negative Grassmannians" - Advances in Mathematics, 2022, v. 406, 108523; doi:10.1016/j.aim.2022.108523;
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/math.CO
arXiv:1908.07437 e-Print archive:
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- Coppini F., Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M. "Periodic rogue waves and perturbation theory", Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, 2022, eds. R. A. Meyers, Springer Science+Business Media LLC, 22 pages; Published online: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-642-27737-5_762-2;
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov R.G. "Transmission eigenvalues for multipoint scatterers" - Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications, 2021, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 17-25; - Available at the at the hal archive: hal-03326122, version 1; and
arXiv:arXiv:2108.08361 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M. "The linear and nonlinear instability of the Akhmediev breather" - Nonlinearity, 2021, v.34, pp. 8331-8358;
- The first version of the text (it was essentially modified during the review process) is available at the arxiv.org/archive/nlin.PS arXiv:2011.11402 e-Print archive:
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- В.М. Бухштабер, А.Н. Варченко, А.П. Веселов, П.Г. Гриневич, С. Грушевский, С.Ю. Доброхотов, А.В. Забродин, А.В. Маршаков, А.Е. Миронов, Н.А. Некрасов, С.П. Новиков, А.Ю. Окуньков, М.А. Ольшанецкий, А.К. Погребков, И.А. Тайманов, М.А. Цфасман, Л.О. Чехов, О.К. Шейнман, С.Б. Шлосман "Игорь Моисеевич Кричевер (к семидесятилетию со дня рождения)"
- Успехи математических наук, 2021, т. 76, №4(460), с. 183-191;
English translation - Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2021, v.76, No. 4;
- Abenda S., Grinevich P.G. "A generalization of Talaska formula for edge vectors on plabic networks in the disk"
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/math.CO
arXiv:2108.03229 e-Print archive:
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- Abenda S., Grinevich P.G. "Real regular KP divisors on M-curves and totally non-negative Grassmannians "
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/math-ph
arXiv:2002.04865 e-Print archive:
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- Coppini F., Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M. "The effect of a small loss or gain in the periodic NLS anomalous wave dynamics. I" - Phys. Rev. E, 2020, v.101, No 3, 032204, 8 pages, - Published 6 March 2020;
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/nlin
arXiv:1910.13176 e-Print archive:
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- Grinevich P.G., Novikov R.G. "Creation and annihilation of point-potentials using Moutard-type transform in spectral variable" - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2020, v. 61, 093501, 7 pages, Published 6 March 2020; Published Online: 01 September 2020;
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/math.CV
arXiv:1911.09627 e-Print archive:
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- Abenda S., Grinevich P.G. "Reducible M-curves for Le-networks in the totally-nonnegative Grassmannian and KP-II multiline solitons" - Selecta Mathematica, 2019, v. 25:43, doi:/10.1007/s00029-019-0488-5;
- Available at the
arXiv:1805.05641 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov R.G. "Moutard transform for the two-dimensional conductivity equation" -
Letters in Mathematical Physics, 2019, v. 109, pp. 2209-2222; doi:/10.1007/s11005-019-01183-x;
- Available at the
hal archive: hal-01673778;
arXiv:1801.00295 e-Print archive:
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- Д. Пьеранжели, М. Фламмини, Дж. Маруччи, А. Дж. Агранат, П. Г. Гриневич, П. М. Сантини, К. Конти, Е. Дель Ре "Наблюдение повторяемости Ферми-Паста-Улама-Цингу в оптическом эксперименте" - Океанологические исследования, 2019, т. 47, №1, с. 107;
doi:10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2019.47(1).32 ;
English translation: "Observation of Fermi-Fasta-Flam-Tsingou recurrence in optical experiment" - Journal of Oceanological Research
- 2019, v. 47, No. 1, p. 108;
doi:10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2019.47(1).32 ;
- П.Г. Гриневич, П.М. Сантини "Конечнозонный подход в периодической задаче Коши для аномальных волн в нелинейном уравнении Шрёдингера при наличии нескольких неустойчивых мод" - Успехи математических наук, 2019, т. 72, №2(446), с. 27-80;
English translation: "The finite gap method and the periodic NLS Cauchy problem of the anomalous waves, for a finite number of unstable modes" - Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2019, v.74, No. 2, pp. 211-263;
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/math-ph
arXiv:1810.09247 e-Print archive:
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- Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M. "Numerical instability of the Akhmediev breather and a finite-gap model of it" - In "Recent Developments in Integrable Systems and Related Topics of Mathematical Physics (Kezenoi-Am, Russia, 2016)", ed. Viktor M. Buchstaber, Sotiris Konstantinou-Rizos, Alexander V. Mikhailov, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, v. 273, Springer 2019, pp. 3-23;
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/nlin.PS
arXiv:1708.00762 e-Print archive:
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- С. Абенда , П.Г. Гриневич "Вещественные солитонные решетки уравнения Кадомцева–Петвиашвили II и десингуляризация спектральных кривых, отвечающих GrTP (2,4)" - Топология и физика, Сборник статей. К 80-летию со дня рождения академика Сергея Петровича Новикова, Тр. МИАН, 2018, т. 302, МАИК «Наука/Интерпериодика», М., с. 7-22;
English translation: "Real soliton lattices of KP-II and desingularization of spectral curves: the GrTP (2,4) case" - Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 2018, v. 302, pp. 1-15;
- Available at the
arXiv:1803.10968 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Pierangeli D., Flammini M., Zhang L., Marcucci G., Agranat A.J., Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M., Conti C., DelRe
E. "Observation of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou recurrence and its exact dynamics" - Physical Review X, 2018, v. 8, issue 4, p. 041017 (9 pages);
- Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M. "The finite gap method and the analytic description of the exact rogue wave recurrence in the periodic NLS Cauchy problem. 1" - Nonlinearity, 2018, v. 31, No. 11, pp. 5258--5308;
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/nlin.SI
arXiv:1707.05659 e-Print archive:
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- П.Г. Гриневич, П.М. Сантини "Фазовые резонансы для повторяемости аномальных волн НУШ в квазисимметричном случае"
- Теоретическая и математическая физика, 2018, т. 196, №3, с. 404-418;
English translation: "Phase resonances of the NLS rogue wave recurrence in the quasi-symmetric case"
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2018, v. 196:3, pp. 1294-1306;
- Abenda S., Grinevich P.G. "KP theory, plane-bipartite networks in the disk and rational degenerations of M-curves"
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/math-ph
arXiv:1801.00208 e-Print archive:
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- Abenda S., Grinevich P. "Rational degeneration of M-curves, totally positive Grassmannians and KP2-solitons" - Commun. Math. Phys. 2018, v. 361, Issue 3, pp. 1029-1081;
- Available at the
arXiv:1506.00563 e-Print archive:
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- Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M. "The exact rogue wave recurrence in the NLS periodic setting via matched asymptotic expansions, for 1 and 2 unstable modes" - Physics Letters A, 2018, v. 382, pp. 973-979; doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2018.02.014;
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/nlin.SI
arXiv:1708.04535 e-Print archive:
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- П.Г. Гриневич, С.П. Новиков "Сингулярные солитоны и спектральная мероморфность"
- Успехи математических наук, 2017, т. 72, №6(438), с. 113-138;
English translation: "Singular solitons and spectral meromorphy" - Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2017, v.72, No. 6, pp. 1083-1107;
- П.Г. Гриневич, Р.Г. Новиков "Многоточечные рассеиватели со связанными состояниями при нулевой энергии",
- Теоретическая и математическая физика, 2017 т. 193, №2; c. 309-314; doi:10.4213/tmf9349;
English translation - "Multipoint scatterers with bound states at zero energy" - Theoret. and Math. Phys., 2017, v.193, No.2, pp. 1675-1679;
- Available at the
hal archive: hal-01378022;
arXiv:1610.02319 e-Print archive:
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- В. Э. Адлер, Ю. Ю. Берест, В. М. Бухштабер, П. Г. Гриневич, Б. А. Дубровин, И. М. Кричевер, С. П. Новиков, А. Н. Сергеев, М. В. Фейгин, Д. Фельдер, Е. В. Ферапонтов, О. А. Чалых, П. И. Этингоф "Александр Петрович Веселов (к 60-летию со дня рождения)"
- Успехи математических наук, 2016, т. 71, №6(432), с. 172-188;
English translation - "Alexander Petrovich Veselov (on his 60th birthday)" - Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2016, v.71, No. 6, pp. 1159-1176;
- П.Г. Гриневич, С.П. Новиков "Об s-мероморфных обыкновенных дифференциальных операторах"
- Успехи математических наук, 2016, т. 71, №6(432), с. 161-162;
English translation - "On s-meromorphic ordinary differential operators" - Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2016, v.71, No. 6, pp. 1143-1145;
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov R.G. "Moutard transform approach to generalized analytic functions with contour poles"
- Bulletin des sciences mathématiques 2016, v. 140, issue 6, pp. 638-656;
- Available at the
hal archive: hal-01249043;
arXiv:1512.08874 e-Print archive:
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- П.Г. Гриневич, Р.Г. Новиков "Обобщенные аналитические функции, преобразования типа Мутара и голоморфные отображения"
- Функц. анализ и его прил., 2016, т.50, №2; c. 81-84;
English translation:
"Generalized analytic functions, Moutard-type transforms, and holomorphic maps"
- Funct. Anal. Appl. 2016, v. 50, Issue 2, pp.150-152;
- Available at the
hal archive: hal-01234004v1;
arXiv:1512.00343 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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- П.Г. Гриневич, П. М. Сантини "Одна лемма из интегральной геометрии и её приложения: нелокальность в уравнении Павлова и томографическая задача с непрозрачным параболическим объектом" - Теоретическая и математическая физика, 2016, т. 189, №1, с. 59-68;
English translation: "An integral geometry lemma and its applications: the nonlocality of the Pavlov equation and a tomographic problem with opaque parabolic objects"
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics", 2016, v. 189:1, pp. 1450-1458;
- Available at the
arXiv:1511.04436 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov R.G. "Moutard transform for the generalized
analytic functions" - The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2016, v. 26, Issue 4, pp 2984-2995;
- Available at the
hal archive: hal-01222481v1;
arXiv:1510.08764 e-Print archive:
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- Grinevich P.G., Novikov S.P. "On the s-meromorphic OD operators"
- Available at the
arXiv:1510.06770 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M. "Nonlocality and the inverse scattering transform for the Pavlov equation"
- Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2016, v. 137, Issue 1, pp. 10-27;
- Available at the
arXiv:1507.08205 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M., Wu D.
"The Cauchy problem for the Pavlov equation"
- Nonlinearity, 2015, v. 28, No. 11, pp. 3709-3754;
- Available at the arxiv.org/archive/math-ph
arXiv:1310.5834 e-Print archive:
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- П.Г.Гриневич, А.Е.Миронов, С.П.Новиков
"О нерелятивистском двумерном чисто магнитном суперсимметричном операторе Паули" -
Успехи математических наук, 2015, т. 70, №2(422), с. 109-140;
English translation: "On the non-relativistic two-dimensional purely magnetic supersymmetric Pauli operator" -
Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2015, v. 70:2, pp. 299-329;
- П.Г.Гриневич "Элементы теории римановых поверхностей и теорема Римана-Роха" - В сборнике:
Геометрические методы математической физики 2. Лекции летней школы. Воскресенское 25-29.06.2012- М.:МАКС Пресс 2014,
с. 29-60.
- П.Г. Гриневич, С.П. Новиков
"Спектрально мероморфные операторы и нелинейные системы"
- Успехи математических наук, 2014, т. 69, №5(419), с. 163-164;
English translation: "Spectrally meromorphic operators and non-linear systems" - Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2014, v. 69, No. 5, pp. 924-926;
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov S.P.
"Spectral Meromorphic Operators and Nonlinear Systems"
arXiv:1409.6349 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov R.G.
"Faddeev eigenfunctions for multipoint potentials" - Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications, 2013, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 76-91;
- Available at the hal archive: hal-00747888, version 1; and
arXiv:1211.0292 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov S.P. "Singular soliton operators and indefinite metrics" - Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series, 2013, v. 44, No. 4, pp. 809-840; doi:10.1007/s00574-013-0035-5;
- П.Г. Гриневич, С.П. Новиков "Дискретные SLn -связности и самосопряженные разностные операторы на двумерных многообразиях" - Успехи математических наук, 2013, т. 68, №5(413), с. 81-110;
English translation: "Discrete SLn - connections and self-adjoint difference operators on two-dimensional manifolds" - Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2013, v. 68, No. 5 , pp. 861-887;
- The preliminarily version is available at the
arXiv:1207.1729 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Santini P.M.
"Holomorphic eigenfunctions of the vector field associated with the
dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation" - Journal of Differential Equations, 2013, v. 255, No. 7, pp. 1469-1491;
- Available at the
arXiv:1111.4446 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov R.G.
"Faddeev eigenfunctions for point potentials in two dimensions" - Physics Letters A, 2012, v. 376, pp. 1102-1106;
- Available at the
hal archive: hal-00632264, version 1 и
arXiv:1110.3157 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- П.Г.Гриневич, А.Е.Миронов, С.П.Новиков
"Двумерный оператор Паули в магнитном поле" -
Физика низких температур, 2011, т. 37, №9-10, с. 1040-1045;
English translation: "Two-dimensional Pauli operator in a magnetic field" - Low temperature physics, 2011, v. 37, pp. 829-833;
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov S.P.
"Singular solitons and indefinite metrics"
- Available at the
arXiv:1103.2505 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- П.Г.Гриневич, А.Е.Миронов, С.П.Новиков "Исправление к статье П.Г. Гриневича, А.Е. Миронова, С.П. Новикова (ТМФ 2010, т. 164, №3, c.333-353)" - Теоретическая и математическая физика, 2011, т. 166, №2, с. 320;
English translation: "Erratum" - Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2011, v. 166, №2, p. 278;
- П.Г.Гриневич, С.П.Новиков, "Сингулярные солитоны и индефинитные метрики" - Доклады Академии наук, 2011, т. 436, №3, сс. 302-305; English translation: "Singular solitons and indefinite metrics" - Doklady Mathematics, 2011, v. 83, №1, pp. 56-58;
- Grinevich P.G., Mironov A.E., Novikov S.P.
"On the Nonrelativistic 2D Purely Magnetic Supersymmetric Pauli Operator"
- Available at the
arxiv.org/archive/math arXiv:1101.5678
e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- П.Г.Гриневич, А.Е.Миронов, С.П.Новиков, "Двумерный оператор Шрёдингера: эволюционные (2+1)-системы и их новые редукции; двумерная иерархия Бюргерса и данные обратной задачи" - Успехи математических наук, 2010, т. 65, №3(393), с. 195-196;
English translation: "2D-Schrodinger Operator, (2+1) evolution systems and new reductions, 2D-Burgers hierarchy and inverse problem data"
- Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2010, v. 65, No. 3, pp. 580-582;
- Available at the
arxiv.org/archive/math arXiv:1005.0612
e-Print archive:
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- П.Г.Гриневич, А.Е.Миронов, С.П.Новиков, "О нулевом уровне чисто магнитного двумерного нерелятивистского оператора Паули для частиц со спином 1/2" - Теоретическая и математическая физика, 2010, т. 164, №3, с. 333-353;
English translation: "On the zero level of purely magnetic nonrelativistic 2D Pauli Operators (spin=1/2)"
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2010, v. 164, №3, pp. 1110-1127;
- Available at the
arxiv.org/archive/math arXiv:1004.1157
e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Mironov A.E., Novikov S.P.
"New Reductions and Nonlinear Systems for 2D Schrodinger Operators"
- Available at the
arxiv.org/archive/math arXiv:1001.4300
e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Abenda S., Grinevich P. "Periodic billiard orbits on n-dimensional ellipsoids with impacts on confocal quadrics and isoperiodic deformations" - Journal of Geometry and Physics, October 2010, v. 60, Issue 10, pp. 1617-1633;
- Available at the
arXiv:0903.1980 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- П.Г.Гриневич, С.П.Новиков, "Сингулярные конечнозонные операторы и индефинитные метрики" - Успехи математических наук, 2009, т. 64, №4, с. 45-72;
- English translation: "Singular Finite-Gap Operators and Indefinite Metric. I" - Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2009, v. 64, №4, pp. 625-650;
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences preprint NI09030-DIS - Available at the
arXiv:0903.3976 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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- П.Г.Гриневич, К.В.Кайпа "Многомасштабный предел конечнозонных решений уравнения sin-Гордона и вычисление топологического заряда с помощью тета-функциональных формул" - Труды Математического института имени В. А. Стеклова, 2009, т. 266, с. 54-63; English translation:
"Calculation of Topological Charge of Real Finite-Gap sine-Gordon solutions using Theta-functional formulae" -
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2009, v. 266, pp. 49-58;
- Available at the
arXiV:0812.2494 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G, Taimanov I.A.
"Spectral conservation laws for periodic nonlinear equations
of the Melnikov type." - Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, 2008,
v. 224, pp. 125-138; Max-Plank-Institute für Mathematik
preprint MPI 08-10
- Available at the
arXiv:0801.4143 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov S.P.
"Reality problems in the soliton theory." - Probability, Geometry and
Integrable Systems. MSRI Publications Volume 55, 2007,
pp. 221-239. - Available at the
arXiv:nlin/0609063 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- П.Г.Гриневич, Р.Г.Новиков, "Ядро Коши для DN-дискретного комплексного анализа Новикова-Дынникова на треугольной решетке" - Успехи математических наук, 2007, т. 62, №4, с. 155-156;
- English translation: "The Cauchy kernel for the Novikov-Dynnikov DN-discrete complex analysis in triangular lattices."
- Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2007, v. 62, No 4, pp. 799-801;
- Grinevich P.G, Taimanov I.A. "Infinitesimal Darboux transformations of the spectral curves of tori in the four-space" - Int Math Res Notices, 2007, v. 2007, article ID rnm005, 21 pages, published on May 24, 2007;
- Available at the
arXiv:math/0611215 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G, Santini P.M.
"Newtonian dynamics in the plane corresponding to straight and cyclic motions on the hyperelliptic curve $\mu^2=\nu^n-1, n\in Z$: ergodicity, isochrony, periodicity and fractals" - Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2007, v. 232, Issue 1, pp. 22-32;
- Available at the
arXiv:nlin/0607031 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Doliwa A., Grinevich P.G., Nieszporski M., Santini P.M. "Integrable lattices and their sub-lattices: from the discrete Moutard (discrete Cauchy-Riemann) 4-point equation to the self-adjoint 5-point scheme." - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2007, v.48. No 1. 28 pages;
- Available at the
arXiv:nlin/0410046 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G.
"∂-bar approach to integrable systems." - Encyclopedia
of Mathematical Physics, eds. J.-P. Fransoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T.
Oxford: Elsevier, 2006. pp 34-41.
- Grinevich P.G, Santini P.M. "The initial boundary value problem on
the interval for the Nonlinear Schrodinger equation; the algebro-geometric approach.
I." - American Mathematical Society Translations - Series 2, Advances in the
Mathematical Sciences, 2004, v. 212., pp. 157-178;
- Available at the
arXiv:nlin/0307026 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov S.P. "Topological phenomena in the real periodic sine-Gordon theory." - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2003, v.44, Issue 8, pp. 3174-3184;
- Available at the
arXiv:math-ph/0303039 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov S.P. "Topological charge of the real periodic finite-gap Sine-Gordon solutions." - Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2003, v.56, Issue 7, pp. 956-978;
- Available at the
arXiv:math-ph/0111039 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- П.Г.Гриневич, С.П.Новиков, "Вещественные конечнозонные решения уравнения Sine-Gordon: формула для топологического заряда" - Успехи математических наук, 2001, т. 56, №5, с. 181-182;
- English translation: "Real finite-gap Sine-Gordon solutions: a formula for topological charge." -
Russ. Math. Surveys, 2001, v. 56, №5, pp. 980-981;
- Grinevich P.G. "Approximation theorem for the self-focusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation and for the periodic curves in R 3." - Advances in nonlinear mathematics and science - Phys. D, 2001, v. 152/153, pp. 20-27;
- Available at the
arXiv:nlin/0002020 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich, P.G. Schmidt, M.U. "Closed curves in R3
and the nonlinear Schrodinger equation." - Proceedings of the Workshop on Nonlinearity,
Integrability and All That: Twenty Years after NEEDS '79 (Gallipoli, 1999), pp. 139-145,
World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 2000.
- П.Г. Гриневич, "Преобразование рассеяния для двумерного оператора Шрёдингера с убывающим на бесконечности потенциалом при фиксированной ненулевой энергии" - Успехи математических наук, 2000, т. 55, №6(336), с. 3-70;
- English translation: "The scattering transform for the two-dimensional Schrodinger operator with a potential that decreases at infinity at fixed
nonzero energy." - Russian Math. Surveys, 2000, v. 55, №6, pp. 1015-1083;
- Grinevich P.G, Novikov R.G., "Discrete spectrum for n-cell
potentials." - Rapport de Recherche №98/10-2, Universite de Nantes;
- Available at the
arXiv:math-ph/9811014 e-Print archive:
Tex file
Ps file
Pdf file
- П.Г. Гриневич, "Голоморфное отображение", "Голоморфная форма", "Комплексное многообразие", "Конформное преобразование",
- Математическая физика. Энциклопедия, главный редактор - Л.Д. Фаддеев, 1998.
- Grinevich P.G., Schmidt M.U. "Conformal invariant functionals of immersions of tori into R 3." - Journal of Geometry and Physics, 1998, v. 26, №1-2, pp. 51-78; SFB 288 preprint №252, Berlin, Feb 1997;
- Available at the
arXiv:dg-ga/9702015 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Schmidt M.U., "Closed curves in R3: a
characterization in terms of curvature and torsion, the Hasimoto map
and periodic solutions of the Filament Equation." - SFB 288 preprint
№254; - Available at the
arXiv:dg-ga/9703020 e-Print archive:
Abstract |
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G. "Nonsingularity of the direct scattering transform for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili 2 equation with real exponentially decaying at infinity potential." - Lett. Math. Phys., 1997, v. 40, pp. 59-73;
- Available at the
arXiv:solv-int/9509010 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Schmidt M.U., "Periodic preserving deformations
of the finite-gap solutions of the soliton equations."
in: Proceedings of the first workshop "Nonlinear physics.
Theory and experiment". editors: E.Alfinito, M.Boiti, L.Martina,
F.Pempinelli. World Scientific (1996). pp. 124-130.
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov R.G. "Transparent Potentials at Fixed Energy in Dimension Two. Fixed-Energy Dispersion Relations for the Fast Decaying Potentials." - Commun. Math. Phys., 1995, v.174, pp. 409-446;
- Available at the
arXiv:solv-int/9410003 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov S.P. "Nonselfintersecting magnetic
orbits on the plane. Proof of Principle of the Overthrowing of the Cycles."
- Translations of American Mathematical Society, series 2., 1995, v.170,
pp. 59-82; - Available at the
arXiv:solv-int/9501006 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., Schmidt M.U. "Period preserving nonisospectral flows and the moduli space of periodic solutions of soliton equations." - Physica D, 1995, v. 87, pp 73-98;
SFB 288 preprint №150, Berlin, Dec 1994; - Available at the
arXiv:solv-int/9412005 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G., "Nonisospectral symmetries of the KdV
equation and the corresponding symmetries of the Whitham equations."
- In "Singular limits of Dispersive waves", ed. N.M.Ercolany, I.R.Gabitov,
C.D.Levermore, D.Serre, NATO ASI Series, Series B: Physics Vol. 320,
Plenum, 1994, pp. 67-88. - Available at the
arXiv:solv-int/9509004 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- P.G.Grinevich. "Fast decaying potentials on the finite-gap background and the ∂-bar-problem on the Riemann surfaces." - Teoreticheskaya i Mathematicheskaya Fizika, 1994, v. 99, №2, pp. 300-308; Theor. Math. Phys., 1994, v.99, pp. 599-605;
- П.Г.Гриневич, С.П.Новиков, "Струнное уравнение - II. Физическое решение"
- Алгебра и анализ, 1994, т.6, №3, с. 118-140;
English translation: St. Petersburg Math. J., 1995, v. 6, №3, pp. 553-574.
- Available at the
arXiv:solv-int/9501002 e-Print archive:
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Pdf file
- Grinevich P.G. "The action of the Virasoro nonisospectral KdV symmetries of the Whitham equations." - in "Nonlinear Processes in Physics" (Proccedings of the 3 Potsdam - 5 Kiev Workshop at Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, USA, August 1-11, 1991), ed. A.S.Fokas, D.J.Kaup, A.C.Newell, V.E.Zakharov, Springer-Verlag, 1993, pp. 108-112;
- Grinevich P.G., Orlov A.Yu, Schulman E.I. "On the symmetries of the integrable systems." - In the book. "Important developments in soliton theory", ed. A. Fokas, V.E. Zakharov, Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1993, pp. 283-301;
- Benderskii V.A., Grinevich P.G., Makarov D.E. "Quantum chemical dynamics in two dimensions." - Chem. Phys., 1993, v. 170, pp. 275-293;
- Benderskii V.A., Grinevich P.G., Makarov D.E., Pastur D.L. "Preexponential factor of rate constant of low-temperature chemical reactions. Fluctuational width of tunneling channels and stability frequences." - Chem. Phys., 1992, v.161, pp. 51-61;
- П.Г.Гриневич, А.Ю.Орлов, "Действие алгебры Вирасоро на модулях римановых поверхностей. Реализация в теории уравнения Кадомцева-Петвиашвили. Задача Кричевера-Новикова о действии нафункцию Бейкера-Ахиезера" - В сборнике "Геометрия, топология и приложения", Москва, 1990 с. 100-104.
- Grinevich P.G., Orlov A.Yu. "Higher (non-isospectral) symmetries of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvily equations and the Virasoro action on Riemann surfsces." - In "Nonlinear evolution equations and dynamical systems", ed. S.Carillo, O.Ragnisco, Springer-Verlag, 1990, pp 165-169;
- Grinevich P.G., Orlov A.Yu. "Effect of additional
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Riemann surfaces. The Krichever-Novikov problem." - In "Soliton
and applications" (Proceedings of the 4 international Workshop,
Dubna, USSR, 24 - 26 August 1989), ed. V.G.Makhankov, V.K.Fedyanin,
O.K.Pashaev, World Scientific 1990, pp. 147-151.
- Grinevich P.G., Krichever I.M. "Algebraic-geometry
methods in soliton theory." - In "Soliton theory: a survey of
results", ed. A.Fordy, University press, 1990, pp. 354-400.
- П.Г.Гриневич, А.Ю.Орлов, "Вариации комплексной структуры римановых поверхностей векторными полями на окружности и объекты теории КП. Задача Кричевера-Новикова о действии на функции Бейкера-Ахиезера" - Функц. анализ и его прил, 1990, т.24, №1, с. 72-73; English translation:
"Variations of the complex structures of the Riemann surfaces by the vector fields in the circle and the KP theory objects. The Krichever-Novikov problem of the action on the Baker-Akhiezer function" - Funct. Anal. Appl. 1990, v. 24, pp.61-64;
- Grinevich P.G., Orlov A.Yu. "Virasoro action on Riemann surfaces, Grassmanians, det ∂-bar and Segal-Wilson tau - function." - In Problems of modern quantum field theory (Invited lecvtures of the spring school held in Alushta USSR, April 24 - May 5, 1989), ed. A.A.Belavin, A.U.Klimyk, A.B.Zamolodchikov, Springer-Verlag, 1989, pp. 86-106;
- The first version of this text is avaliable at the arxiv.org/archive/math-ph math-ph/9804019 e-Print archive:
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- Grinevich P.G., Orlov A.Yu. Wilson tau - function and
det ∂-bar." - In Nonlinear world: Proceedings of the
4 international workshop on nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics.
Kiev 9-22 Oktober, 1989, Kiev, Naukova Dumka 1989,v. 2, pp.242-245.
- Grinevich P.G., Orlov A.Yu. "Vector fields action on Riemann
surfaces and KP theory. The Krichever-Novikov problem." - In
Nonlinear world: Proceedings of the 4 international
workshop on nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics.Kiev
9-22 Oktober, 1989, Kiev, Naukova Dumka 1989, v. 2,
- П.Г.Гриневич, "Быстроубывающие потенциалы на фоне конечнозонных и ∂-bar-проблема на римановых поверхностях" - Функц. анализ и его прил, 1989, т.23, №4, с. 79-80; English translation: Funct. Anal. Appl. 1989, v. 23, pp. 321-322;
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov S.P. "Inverse scattering problem for
the two-dimensional Schrodinger operator at a fixed negative energy
and generalized analytic functions." - Proceedings
of the 3 international workshop on nonlinear and
turbulent processes in physics.Kiev 13-26 April, 1987, Kiev,
Naukova Dumka 1988, pp. 86-89.
- Grinevich P.G., Novikov S.P. "Two-dimensional 'inverse scattering
problem' for fixed negative energies and generalized analytic
functions." - In Proc. of the "Plasma theory
and nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics" Workshop,
Kiev 13-25 April 1987. World Scientific 1988, pp. 58-85.
- Grinevich P.G., Volovik G.E. "Topology of gap nodes in superfluid 3He: pi4 homotopy group for 3 He-B disclination." - Journal of Low Temp. Phys. 1988, v.72, Nos 5/6, 371-380;
- П.Г.Гриневич, С.П.Новиков "Двумерная "обратная задача рассеяния" для
отрицательных энергий и обобщенно-аналитические функции. I. Энергии ниже основного
состояния" - Функц. анализ и его прил, 1988, т.22, №1, с.23-33; English translation: "Two-dimensional 'inverse scattering problem'
for negative energies and generalized-analytic functions. 1. Energies below the ground state" - Funct.Anal.Appl., 1988, v. 22, pp. 19-27;
- П.Г.Гриневич, "Рациональные солитоны уравнений Веселова-Новикова - безотражательные при фиксированной энергии двумерные
потенциалы." - Теоретическая и математическая физика, 1986, т.69, №2, с. 307-310; English translation: "Rational solitons of the
Veselov-Novikov equations are potential reflectionless at fixed energy" - Theor. Math. Phys. 1986, v.69, pp. 1170-1172;
- П.Г.Гриневич, "Векторный ранг коммутирующих матричных дифференциальных операторов. Доказательство критерия С. П. Новикова." -
Известия АН СССР. Сер. матем., 1986, т.50, №3, с. 458-478; English translation: "Vector rank of commuting matrix differential operators.
Proof of the S.P.Novikov criterion" - Mathematics of the USSR, Izvestiya, 1987, v. 28, №3, pp. 445-465;
- П.Г.Гриневич, С.В.Манаков, "Обратная задача теории рассеяния для двумерного оператора Шрёдингера, ∂-bar-метод и нелинейные уравнения" - Функц. анализ и его прил, 1986, т.20, №1, с. 14-24; English translation: "Inverse scattering problem for the two-dimensional
Schrodinger operator, ∂-bar - method and nonlinear equations" - Funct. Anal. Appl., 1986, v.20, pp. 94-103;
- П.Г.Гриневич, Р.Г.Новиков, "Аналоги многосолитонных потенциалов
для двумерного оператора Шредингера и нелокальная задача
Римана" - Доклады Академии наук СССР, 1986, т.286, №1,
с. 19-22;
English translation: "Analogues of multisoliton potentials for the two-dimensional Schrodinger operator, and a nonlocal Riemann problem" -
Soviet Math. Dokl. 1986, v.33, №1, pp. 9-12.
- П.Г.Гриневич, Р.Г.Новиков, "Аналоги многосолитонных потенциалов для двумерного оператора Шрёдингера" - Функц. анализ и его прил., 1985, т. 19, №4, с. 32-42; English translation: "Analogues of multisoliton potentials for the two-dimensional Schrodinger operator" -
Funct.Anal.Appl., 1985, v.19, pp. 276-285;
- П.Г.Гриневич, " Коммутирующие матричные дифференциальные операторы
произвольного ранга" - Доклады Академии наук СССР, 1984, т.278,№5,
с. 1048-1052; English translation: "Commuting matrix differential orerators of arbitrary rank" - Soviet Math. Dokl. 1984, v.30, №2, pp. 515-518.
- С.П.Новиков, П.Г.Гриневич, "О спектральной теории коммутирующих операторов ранга 2 с периодическими коэффициентами" - Функц. анализ и его прил., 1982, т.16, №1, c. 25-26; English translation: "About the spectral theory of commuting operators of rank 2 with periodic coefficients"
- Funct. Anal. Appl., 1982, v. 16, pp. 19-21;
- П.Г.Гриневич, "Рациональные решения уравнений коммутации дифференциальных операторов" - Функц. анализ и его прил., 1982, т.16, №1, с. 19-24; English translation: "Rational solutions for the equations of commutation of differential operators" - Funct. Anal. Appl., 1982, v. 16, pp. 15-19;
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